Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Leçon du Jour: La Tradition Orale Africaine (The African Oral Tradition)

Today I am going to be teaching a lesson to my French 2 students about African Oral Story Telling.

Since Africa is the "future" of the French language, since there are so many speakers, I spend a lot of time discussing the continent with my French 2 students. We even go as far as memorize all the Francophone countries. So today I am going to give a short PowerPoint presentation and then read them a "conte" (a story) in French.

Next they will have to write their own stories! (I will post some pictures here after). I have given them a form and they will do it with a partner. Then for a treat we will make African masks at the end of the week that represent their animal characters!

(Disclaimer, I am no expert! If you have any great resources let me know if the comments!)
Bonne chance!

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