Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Teaching Lifesavers: Attendance Folders and Absence Forms

One of the things that is the bane of all teacher's existence is keeping up with absent student work. I always found myself asking, "When were they absent again? Has it been a week? What did we do on that day?"

That is until I found this wonderful system.

At the beginning of the year students choose their own absence partner.  When their partner is absent they get absence form from the wall. (See the form here.)

After they  have completed the form  and attached any handouts they received they put it in the corresponding day of the week folders. Then when the absent student returns they can go and claim it from the wall. 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday.
Voilà! Instant accountability. Seriously, this method has saved me so much time this year. It has removed all confusion about absent work and late work because I make sure they submit their absence form with their make-up assignment. It also made it possible for me to monitor the hallway during passing period because I am not looking up absence work.

Hope this helps!

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