Thursday, May 19, 2016

Help! I need an interactive activity ASAP!!

Bonjour à tous et à toutes!

Here is my short list of activities to do in Foreign Language! Great for last minute lesson plans

  1. Bingo: Modify this bingo template to your needs! Or have students make their own on a sheet of paper! Just have them make a 5 x 5 chart off their vocab list!
  2. Running Dictée:  I love this activity because it forces students to memorize grammatical structures! Mwahaha!
  3. "Musical Chairs": Have  students write on their desk with a dry erase marker. They will write something (a word, a phrase, a conjugation, etc). Each student writes something different. Then play some music and the students must walk around the classroom. When the music stops they must find a desk and copy what is written. (Note: There is a desk for everyone and no on can repeat desks!)
  4. Crossword puzzle maker
  5. Make your own word search!
  6. Slap Game!: Make note cards and have students sit in a circle. Have them put all the cards down and one student acts as the caller. They will say the name of the card in English. The students will then race to grab the correct one. The student with the most at the end wins!
  7.  Notecard shuffle:  Have student rearrange their notecards into different piles. Great if you want to incorporate higher level thinking.
  8. QUIA: This website has all types of free games made for different books. Or pay and make your own games, quizzes, etc!
  9. Charades
  10. Pictionary
  11. Vocabulary Ladder:  Make two columns of words, one column is a set of vocab words the other is it's definition. Student will then need to "climb" the ladder by reading the word and giving the definition. When the make a mistake they switch places and their partner gets to climb the ladder. However, every time they make a mistake they must restart from the bottom!
  12. Dommage
  13. Choose your own vocabulary activity!
  14. Verb races!
  15. Tuez la Tortue!

I will keep updating this!!

Bonne Chance,
La Prof

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